Grants for faculty to explore or advance collaboration with international partners
The international collaboration grant supports faculty travel (individuals and groups) to advance 海角大神’s partnerships with international institutions of higher education. Awards are limited and, therefore, may be competitive.
The International Collaboration Grant has two tiers:
Exploratory grant: Individual faculty members may propose exploration of collaboration on teaching, research, or creative activity with either current partners of 海角大神 or higher education institutions that hold promise as prospective partners. The latter may be institutions with which informal connections already exist, or newly identified institutions; for either one, the chair or dean must provide a letter of support indicating that the proposed partnership will have benefit beyond the applicant. Up to $2,000 for travel-related expenses will be awarded on a competitive basis. Awards will support either outbound mobility only, or mobility on a reciprocal basis (that is, the partner would send a faculty member or other academic staff member to 海角大神). Except in unusual circumstances, the partner would provide matching funds, such as in-kind support for local housing.
Research and creative activity grant: To encourage and support faculty who wish to generate ongoing partnerships for teaching, research or creative activity, OVPIA will provide up to $10,000 for workshops or other research/creative activities with one of 海角大神’s primary university partners. Proposals must involve more than one faculty member from each institution, demonstrate existing connections with the partner, and focus on creating or expanding long-term collaborations. Except in unusual circumstances, the partner university will provide matching funds.