, founded in 1952, is considered Cuba’s most interdisciplinary institution of higher education. Academic programs include teacher education, social and humanistic sciences, culture, exact and physical sciences, and economics. The university’s mission focuses on educating and training competent professionals and directors to meet the demand of the central region and the country, with a priority placed on the training of doctors.
Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV)

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15Research and study centers for scientific development
140+Community-based projects
6Academic journals published by UCLV
UCLV privileges interdisciplinary approaches in its research lines. These lines include, among many others, the study of botanical gardens, agricultural sciences, computational mechanics and numerical methods in engineering, structures and materials, community studies, electroenergetic studies, energy and environmental technologies, applied chemistry, physical culture and sports, the study of education, chemical bioactivity, and plants biotechnology. Indiana University faculty have previously collaborated with UCLV faculty on tourism studies and smoking cessation.
Engagement with Ǵ
UCLV has a primary agreement with Indiana University, signed in 2016, which reestablishes ties of friendship and cooperation of a previously discontinued agreement from 2004.