海角大神 Bloomington administrators
College of Arts and Sciences
Peter Giordano, pgiordan@iu.edu
John Hanson, jhhanson@iu.edu
Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture, and Design
Deb Christiansen, delchris@iu.edu
Peg Faimon, pfaimon@iu.edu
Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies
Isak Nti Asare, intiasar@iu.edu
Hutton Honors College
Rebecca Spang, rlspang@iu.edu
Jacobs School of Music
Ryan Kelly, kellyrs@iu.edu
Kelley School of Business
Pat Hopkins, peh@iu.edu
Marion Frank-Wilson, mfrankwi@iu.edu
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
Gina Gallagher, ggallagh@iu.edu
Maurer School of Law
Gabrielle Goodwin, glgoodwi@iu.edu
Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Todd Royer, troyer@iu.edu
School of Education
Vesna Dimitrieska, vdimitri@iu.edu
School of Optometry
Jeffrey Perotti, jperotti@iu.edu
School of Public Health-Bloomington
Nicole Anderson, nilander@iu.edu
The Media School
Gerry Lanosga, glanosga@iu.edu
University Graduate School
David Daleke, daleked@iu.edu