
Kim Decker

Kim Decker

Clinical Associate Professor
海角大神 - School of Nursing, Bloomington

Nursing Intensive: Managing Health and Illness Across Care Environments

Fall 2022  | B444

B444 is a senior level community health nursing course, which is organized around the Social Determinants of Health Model, made famous by Sir Michael Marmot. This model seeks to provide a framework for how we understand what it is that makes us sick. Throughout the course, the students explore our natural, built, and social environments and seek to understand how health is promoted or hindered by the choices our society makes every day.

The course will focus on Sir Michael Marmot’s Social Determinant of Health model and how workplace environment and economic disparities affect vulnerable populations. Students from both countries will develop an understanding of the United Kingdom’s Universal Health Care Program and the United States’ Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and Private Health Insurance Programs & how payment for health services intersects with social determinants of health to impact health outcomes.