ࡱ> kmj ,bjbjR>R> ;V0T_0T_d$R8L(\D([D]D]D]D]D]D]D$FIfDDD^[D[D3Q6+<F5GDD0D5IUI0Q6Q6JI6 DD/DIX V: Sub-Agreement for Non-Degree Visiting Student Program Between Ǵ Indiana University [Name of Academic Unit] And [Partner Institution] On behalf of [Name of Academic Unit] Ǵ Indiana University (Indiana University), on behalf of the [Name of Academic Unit], established in the State of Indiana, United States of America, and [Partner Institution] (abbreviated name), on behalf of the [Name of Academic Unit], established in [City], [Country] (each a Party and collectively, the Parties), to further develop the relationship recognized by the Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation between the Trustees of Indiana University and [Partner] signed on [Date], enter into this Sub-Agreement for Non-Degree Visiting Student Program on this [Day] day of [Month], [Year] (the Effective Date) and hereby agree as follows: The Parties agree that qualified students of [Partner Institution] will have the opportunity to enroll at Indiana University on the [Ǵ campus] campus as visiting non-degree students in [field(s)]. Indiana University will permit [# of students] to enroll each [specify term(s) of initial enrollment at campus]. Additional qualified students may be considered for enrollment on a space-available basis. Successful students enrolled in the [name of program] at [Partner Institution] who have completed [specified course/period of study] may apply for admission as non-degree visiting students to [Ǵ campus]. Students enrolling at [Ǵ campus] under this Sub-Agreement must satisfy the following requirements prior to acceptance and enrollment: Complete [specified course of study at Partner Institution] with average grade point average of [minimum requirement] Submit a complete international application for admission with all required supporting documents by [indicate deadline or refer to informational resource to be provided, e.g. web site] Submit [specified academic records] Submit [specified evidence of English proficiency], if applicable Submit evidence of financial capability, if a student visa is required Any other specified requirements of the application process Signing of this Sub-Agreement does not supersede either Partys normal admission processes for visiting students. Changes in either Partys policies affecting the admission of students in this program will be promptly communicated. Students who fulfill all enrollment requirements and qualify for admission to Indiana University will receive a certification of eligibility for a student visa. It is the responsibility of the student to qualify for the visa and to comply with all U.S. requirements for student visa holders while studying at Indiana University. Indiana University will provide visa advice and support to students but cannot guarantee the issuance of the required student visa. [In the event the host campus intends to offset any costs or offer scholarships, indicate provisions here] Students are responsible for all costs associated with tuition and fees, student visa, travel, accommodation (room and board), course materials, health insurance and any campus health center fees, living expenses, and other incidental expenses. Indiana University will assist exchange participants in locating suitable housing accommodations and offer, as appropriate, assistance on registration and advice regarding campus life, health, language, and cultural adjustment. Students are responsible for purchasing health insurance under the Ǵ International Student Health Insurance Program (IHIP), or for demonstrating that they have comparable health insurance coverage and completing a waiver. [Indicate any special housing arrangements, arrival support, and orientation programming available to students. If desired, this may be a general statement referencing standard services generally provided by the campus to international students.] Students should take a sufficient number of courses at Indiana University to obtain the minimum number of credit hours as required by U.S. visa regulations. A course load of [#] credit hours per semester is recommended. At the conclusion of the program and to the extent permitted by law, Indiana University will send the [Partner Institution] an official transcript of credits and grades for each student from [Partner Institution]. To comply with United States data protection law, each student will need to sign a release form at orientation, permitting Indiana University to send transcripts to [Partner Institution]. Indiana University reserves the right to dismiss any student at any time for academic or personal misconduct in violation of established institutional policies. The dismissal of a student will not abrogate the agreement for the arrangements regarding other students. Both Parties shall assign a coordinator who is responsible for ensuring ongoing review and development of course articulations and enrollment procedures. The coordinator serves as a liaison and primary point of contact to ensure successful implementation of the program. Indiana University:Contact Name, Title School, Office, or Unit Mailing Address City, State, Zip, Country Phone: +1-xxx-xxx-xxxx Email: Partner Institution:Contact Name, Title School, Office, or Unit Mailing Address City, State, Zip, Country Phone: +xxxx Email:  Each Party grants, for the term of this Sub-Agreement, a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use its logo and name (the Trademarks), to the other Party, solely for the promotion of this Sub-Agreement and any joint programs and projects developed hereunder. The rights granted by Indiana University under this agreement are limited to the use of the logo and name of the [Name of Academic Unit]. Each Party agrees that each time it reproduces and/or republishes the other Partys Trademarks it shall do so in a form identical to that provided by each Party, without alteration. Each Party agrees to use the other Partys Trademarks in a careful and prudent manner. Except as otherwise set forth in this paragraph, each Party agrees not to use the other Partys name, trademarks, or other intellectual property in any manner whatsoever without prior written consent in each instance. Requests pertaining to Indiana University shall be emailed to the Ǵ Office of Licensing & Trademarks at  HYPERLINK "mailto:iulogo@iu.edu" iulogo@iu.edu. The Parties acknowledge by this Sub-Agreement, that they acquire no right, title or interest in and to the other Partys Trademarks whatsoever other than to use the Trademarks in accordance with the term and conditions hereof. The use of each Partys Trademarks may not be assigned, transferred, shared or divided in any manner by the other Party without the prior written consent in each instance. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the non-degree visiting student program must be organized and administered in accordance with applicable law and the relevant policies and procedures of each Party. Both institutions subscribe to the policy of Equal Opportunity and will not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Both institutions shall abide by these principles in the administration of this Sub-Agreement. This Sub-Agreement will remain in force for a period of [up to five (5) years] from the Effective Date; however, either Party, at its discretion, may terminate this Sub-Agreement during its term by giving notice at least [one (1) year or other duration] in advance of the intended termination date. If the Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation between the Trustees of Indiana University and [Partner Institution] is terminated or expires, this Sub-Agreement will also terminate. In the event that this Sub-Agreement or the Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation between the Trustees of Indiana University and [Partner Institution] is terminated, both Parties will honor non-cancellable commitments to students promised prior to receipt of the termination notice. A program review will be executed jointly at the mid-point of the five-year period, i.e. towards the end of the third year of the program. This Sub-Agreement may be amended or renewed by a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of each Party. In the event of a dispute arising out of or relating to this Sub-Agreement, the Parties shall establish a committee of six (6) senior representatives, three (3) appointed by each Party, to attempt to resolve the dispute. {Optional; use only when relevant} This Sub-Agreement is written in English and in [Foreign Language]. In the event of a conflict between the English and [Foreign Language] versions, the English version shall govern. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Sub-Agreement to be duly executed. On behalf of: Name of Partner InstitutionOn behalf of: Ǵ Indiana University _________________________________ Authorized representative Title _________________________________ Dean or Unit Representative Title, Name of Academic Unit _________________________________ Authorized representative Title _________________________________ Hannah L. Buxbaum Vice President for International Affairs _________________________________ Donald S. 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